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Accident and Emergency Information

Accident and Emergency Information

First Aid kit is located in the cupboard under the sink in the Bar
Accidents & incidents should be recorded in the Accident Book and reported to the Safeguarding Officer.

Capelfield Surgery
Elm Road
Claygate, KT10 0EH
Telephone: 01372 462501

Hare Lane Dental Practice
109a Hare Lane
Claygate, KT10 0QY
Telephone: 01372 462577

Epsom Hospital – A&E Dept
Dorking Road
Epsom KT18 7EG
Telephone: 01372 735735

Kingston Hospital – A&E Dept
Galsworthy Road,
Kingston-Upon-Thames KT2 7QB
Telephone: 020 8546 7711

Police: In an emergency dial 999 for other incidents dial either 101 or 01483 571212